Bed Bugs

Bed bugs usually have an oval and flattened body. They do not have wings but they can move swiftly on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. Bed bugs have small dark protruding eyes, 6 legs and 2 antennas (not longer than the body), and an accordion-like folds at the back of the body. The young bed bug’s size is about 1mm with a translucent tan color. Adult bed bugs are brownish in color and measures 5-7mm. It has short golden hair and its glands produce a stale odor. Its eggs are pearl-white in color and as tiny as a pinhead that could be difficult to see.
Bed bugs can be found anywhere and they are great at hiding that’s why people can have it through baggage, personal stuff, and clothing. They can live and can be found in beds, chairs, on sofas or in places where people usually gather, sleep, or stay.
Our Treatment Plan
- Identify extent of infestation (home, vehicle, adjoining spaces)
- Choose treatment plan based on budget & infestation type
- Complete preparation for best treatment results
- Thermal/Heat Treatment for fastest results
- Conventional/Chemical Treatment for cost effective results
- Steam & Conventional Treatment for a multifaceted approach
- Aprehend for prevention and resistant populations