Carpenter Bees

These bees are categorized in two ways: the large carpenter bees which measure 12-25mm and the small carpenter bees that measures 8mm long. They have six legs, antennae, and a stinger (for female bees). Its appearance can be resembled to bumblebees however, their abdomen is shiny black and its thorax is covered with bright yellow, orange, or white hairs. Gender of carpenter bees can be identified based on the markings on their head.
The large carpenter bees are known to create damage to properties. Although they are harmless, female carpenter bees can sting when harmed while the male will only mock-attack to annoy or scare humans and other potential threats.
Carpenter bees feed on plant’s pollen and nectar, but their nesting habits are a nuisance. They usually excavate, live and lay eggs in bare, unpainted, and weathered softwood causing cosmetic damage to properties.
Our Treatment Plan
- Inspect Wood For Damaged Areas
- Inform Client Of Preventative Measures
- Treat Affected Areas
- Provide Seal Up If Needed